Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Hymn Sing this Friday

Another Hymn Sing is coming up this Friday, May 29th, at the First Baptist Church of Wood Dale.

What's a Hymn Sing, you ask?

It's actually kind of cool...something I haven't seen done since I was really young. Everybody grabs a hymnal and shouts out a hymn number. The pianist, Celeste Sebastian, and I then lead the congregation in the song...whether we know it or not. I enjoy it because it really keeps me on my toes and forces me to be a better sight-reading vocalist.

We also have special guests who do two sets throughout the evening. This time around our guest is Narrow Path.

FBC Wood Dale is located at:

292 Oak Meadows Drive
Wood Dale, IL
(630) 766-9365

I'm expecting a great time this Friday. Hope you can make it out.

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