Monday, March 16, 2009


So it seems that the Batcave will be renovated, waterproof, and ready to use by Thursday. That's good, because I have quite a bit of work to do.

I'm trying to maintain some songwriting momentum so I can keep pumping out new material, I need to chart Colleen Wild's songs as I'm now her "official" accompanyist, and I also have my own gigs coming up.

On a side note, if you live in Illinois and are a country music fan/artist, please check out the ICMA. Membership is cheap and the benefits are great. The crappy economy is hurting this great organization that has given so many opportunities to myself and others. Most of the action happens in Central IL, but there is a Southern IL chapter and I'd love to see more activity up here in the Northern third of the state. Let's take country back!

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